Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Throughout the story we see countless examples of loyalty. But before we explore these examples, what is loyalty? What define's it? It is literally the state or quality of being loyal or having faithfulness to commitments or obligations. What does this mean? This means that when you are loyal, you have an unwavering devotion to the things you deem most important. Hassan's loyalty to Amir is one that never ceases. Even when Hassan has been raped by Assef, he is still loyal to Amir. 
    One day, Amir asks Hassan to go up to the hill with him. He tells him that he wants to read him a new story that he had written, however his real intention is to pick a fight with Hassan so that he could "recieve the punishment" that he craved. He threw pomegranates at him over and over again, wanting Hassan to hit him back. But Hassan, being loyal to Amir, picks up a pomegranate and crushes it agains his own forehead to show that he will not betray Amir by hitting him.
   Another example of loyalty, is when Rahim Khan agrees to take care of the house for Baba when they move to America. Rahim Khan was a good friend of Baba's and the only adult that Amir considered a friend. and all of the years they lived in America, Rahim Khan cared for their home. However, when Baba died, he felt like the house was empty and he felt lonely. So he decides to find Hassan and ask him if he would come live with him. Hassan accepts, and once again proves his loyalty to Amir's family by not only living in the house with Rahim Khan, but helping to take care of it as he once did so many years ago. 

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