Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Just as there are many moments that define loyalty in "The Kite Runner", there must be moments in exact opposition to loyalty. These moments are one's of betrayal. Betrayal is something that defines many of the characters in this book and is a recurring theme. Just as we defined the word loyalty, we will now define the word betrayal. The definition of betrayal means to be unfaithful in guarding, maintaining, or fulfilling. It can also mean to deliver or expose to an enemy by treachery or disloyalty. Now, one of the most important events in this book is during the rape of Hassan. While it is brutal, violent, and utterly wrong, it is important to think about what it means. To Amir, it was a sacrifice. Amir describes it as Hassan resembling the lamb that was slaughtered during the Muslim Celebration of Eid Al-Adha, which honors Abraham's near sacrifice of his son for God. Through this sacrifice, he was able to obtain the blue kite, which would supposedly redeem his relationship with Baba. But it also was a monstrous betrayal to his best friend and brother, and it changed his life forever.

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