Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Kite Running

Kite fighting was and still is a very popular competition in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and Iran. Kite running is when you run after a drifting kite that has been cut lose through kite fighting. These competitions are held throughout the year but most prominent at kite festivals. 
The kite represented the happiness of Amir, but it was also a representation of his guilt. It represents his happiness because as a child this was one of his favorite things to do. But it took on a whole different meaning when Amir does nothing about Hassan's rape. He wants to bring the kite back to Baba, to prove that he is worthy of being his son. But through this, the kite now represents his betrayal to Hassan. 
  At the end of the novel, when Amir redeems himself, he is able to fly kites again. It is no longer a representation of his guilt, but instead acts as a way of connecting with Sohrab. 

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